mercredi 16 mai 2018

Témoignages de groupes de femmes SHG

 Bosena, 25 years old :

There is a lot of news about the groups; "Bosena" is 25 years old girl who lives with her younger brother "Fasil". They both are orphans and the responsibility of raising her brother lies on Bosena. She started her life in Gondar as a waitres in small tea shops. Soon she added a second job of cooking and cleaning for rich families. Two years ago, she joined one of the saving groups situated in Daniel's house above AG hotel. In these two years, Bosena saved 3,500 Birr. Bosena's younger brother also works as a codriver on blue minibus taxi. Now he wants to be a driver but has no money for his driving license. So, his sister "Bosena" gets a loan of 10,000 birr from her SHG named "Biliko". We are so happy to see that these orphan's life is changing. Fasil will have his driving license in a month and will be hired as a taxi driver. Then, he will reimburse Bosena's loan.
 Bosena est membre du groupe "Biliko" dans la ville de Gondar.Elle a 25 ans,est orpheline et responsable de son frère de 16 ans.
Après des années de travail comme femme de ménage et serveuse, elle a pu économiser 140 euros.
En accord avec les règles de son groupe, elle a pu emprunter 420 euros pour payer le permis de conduire à son frère. Il sera employé comme conducteur de bus .
C'est beau le micro-finance...une espoir pour leur avenir.

 Dinkie :

 Dinkie Alemu" is one of the SHG women who recently took a loan of 3,000 birr for getting tap water into her house. Dinkie is living in the suburb of the city in a village exclusively built for the poorest communities. In such villages tap water service is a dream and clean water is unimaginable. There is a river far from the house but it is most of the time not good for drinking as it's polluted by human faeces and animal dung. Plus the river dry out in the dry seasons of the year.
  Dinkie has two daughters, 16 & 8 but she is single, most probably abandoned by men.
Dinkie has a saving of 1500 birr and lives by selling "Kolo" around the bus station. Getting tap water service not only secures the family health but also saves time and energy. Please find below few pictures of Dinkie, her daughters and the village view from outside.

 "Dinkie Alemu" ...une dame avec un merveilleux sourire..ainsi que ses filles !
Dinkie vend du blé grillé autour de la gare routière.
Avec son emprunt de 180 euros , elle a pu installer un robinet d'eau potable chez elle.

 Yezina Kindie, 30 years old :

 The first woman who took loan today is a blind lady named "Yezina Kindie" ; age 30. Yezina is a member of the SHG named "Lakech". She has a shower service business; and this is her living. People wash their bodies and pay for the service. Right now, she wanted to buy a refrigerator and sell cold water and soda. For buying the refrigerator, Yezina asked a 6000 Birr loan but since her saving is only 1,350 birr, we can only give 3000 birr. She was a little bit disappointed but her group members found out used refrigerator for exactly 3000 birr. So, Yezina is going to buy used refrigerator to expand her business. Please find below the picture of Yezina with her loan cheque.

La première femme qui a emprunté aujourd'hui est une dame aveugle dénommée "Yezina Kindie". Elle a une douche qu'elle loue et qui lui permet de vivre. Elle aimerait aussi acheter un réfrigérateur pour pouvoircommercialiser de la glace et de l'eau fraiche et du soda.Elle a demandé un prêt de 6000 Birr, mais nous ne pouvons lui donner que 3000 Birrs.Elle était un peu déçu, mais tout finit bien car des membres du groupe lui ont trouvé un réfrigérateur d'occasion pour 3000 Birrs. Ce qui va lui permettre de dévelloper son business.

 Yezina is single mother who is abandoned by her husband. She is taking care of her 13 year old girl. Yezina looks not blind but her eye ball is not working and she is totally blind

 Yézina est une mère célibataire abandonné par son mari,  qui élève seule sa fille de 13 ans. Malgré les apparences elle est complétement aveugle.

Banchi Mekonen, 25 years old :

 The second woman who took loan today is "Banchi Mekonen",  age 25. Banchi is not married yet and she is from "Hamus Gebeya" SHG in Azezo (around the air port). Banchi has a total saving of 1,452 birr. Her business is hair salon and she wanted to buy hair ironing instrument for the salon. The loan she asked is 3000 birr and we gave this much amount for Banchi. Banchi has only one eye.

 La deuxième femme qui a empruntéaujourd'hui est "Banchi Mekonen", 25 ans. Banchi n'est pas encore mariée et elle vient du groupe "Hamus Gebeya" à Azezo (à proximité de l'aéroport).Banchi a une économie totale de 1.452 birr. Son entreprise est un salon de coiffure et elle voulait acheter un sèche cheveux. Elle a demandé un prêt de 3000 birr que nous lui avons accordé.Banchi n'a qu'un œil



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  The above old woman is named "Rahmet", age estimated to be above 70. Rahmet is a muslim widow who has four daughters and twelve ...